Born 1953, he grew up in Aubervilliers, north of Paris. Father of 3 boys, Serge Girard lives in Grainville-Ymauville in the Seine-Maritime department, which is on the English Channel. This experienced long-distance runner has, over the period 1997 to 2010, crossed all 5 continents in races without a day of rest (70 km/day). He has lived with Laure for 16 years. At 60 he feels he has reached the age of reason
The Continental Mariner:
- Los Angeles – New York : 4597km in 53 days = 90km/ day
- Perth – Sydney : 3755km in 47 days = 81km/day
- Lima – Rio de Janeiro : 5235km in 73 days = 71km/ day
- Dakar – Le Cairo : 8295km in 123 days = 68km/day
- Paris-Tokyo : 19097km in 260 days = 73km/day
- In 2009 and 2010, Around Europe Footrace, crossed 25 countries and set a world record for the longest distance run in 365 days: 27,011 km = 74 km/day.
The total distance covered on these 6 races is 67,990 km in 922 days = 73,8 km/day.
A few key figures :
- Heart rate during a race: 110 bpm
- Resting heart rate: 36 bpm
- Ideal weight 62 kg
- Estimated weight loss: 10 kg
- Began racing at the age of 30 (20 km, marathons) and long distance races at age 40
- Runs an average of 10,000 km per year
A few more:
- Likes solitude, difficulties, his parents and numbers
- Believes in reincarnation and sees himself as a fox terrier that never lets go of a bone. More seriously, he likes to think he will have several lives.